An Archive of Previous Events
Our Parish has enjoyed good participation over a vast variety of events organised continuously over the years. Here is an archive of events we have held in the past.

28 & 29 September
SVDP Feast Day 2024
We celebrated the Feast Day of our parish, Saint Vincent de Paul, on 28th and 29th September. We came together with a potluck and highlighted the diverse talents of our parish community after every mass.

25 – 29 September 2024
Feast of St. Vincent de Paul 2024
Feast Day Triduum with the theme – Many parts, one body, one community. Masses were celebrated by newly ordained priests, Fathers Dexter Chua, Andre Tan, Clarence Yue followed by Feast Day Masses on the weekend.

31 August 2024
Season of Creation Eco-Walk
A walk after 7am Mass from our church grounds to Mugliston Park Community Garden. Along the way, the volunteers did their part to care for the neighbourhood by picking up litter. At the community garden, they learnt about gardening and gave praise to God for all we have received.

13 Apr, 27 Apr, 4 May 2024
Seeds of Growth 2024 featured worship, prayer, sessions to help JC/IB students grow in their faith, and food, fun & (new) friends to offer a break and nourish their souls.

8, 15, 22, 29 May & 5 June 2024
A chance to nourish our Catholic faith and deepen our relationship with God in this 5-talk series that was inspiring, engaging and practical. Presented by SVDP CaFE Team.

5-7 April, 31 May-2 June, 2-4 August 2024
An opportunity for married couples to restore, rekindle and renew their marriages at the ME Weekend!

The Pastoral Care Ministry of St Vincent de Paul organised a Mass for the Sick with Anointing at our church on Saturday, 2nd of March at 10am.

Heritage Walk
In conjunction with the launch of our 60th Anniversary Heritage Exhibition, the Church organised a Heritage Walk.

Catholic Faith Exploration
An inspiring five-part series on the exploration
of Mary, past and present.

Feast Day 2023:
Week of Worship
Held from 18th to 24th September 2023, our Week of Worship commemorating our 60th Feast Day was filled with Masses will be celebrated by various priests, finishing with the with Feast Day Mass celebrated by Cardinal William Goh.

Feast Day 2023:
Celebration Dinner
Held on 23rd September 2023 at the Orchid Country Club, the Feast Day was in celebration of our Diamond Jubilee – 60th Feast Day complete with auctions, prayers, cake-cutting and great entertainment by our various ministries.

Feast Day 2023:
Wine Sales
To help support funding the additional costs of our Feast Day activities such as the Feast Day Dinner, two delectable wines were sold at only $60 per bottle throughout the months of August and September 2023.

SHINE 23 Retreat
An annual Catholic encounter retreat for all Polytechnic, ITE and Private diploma students.

2-part retreat with Fr David Garcia, on how the Church’s social teachings, drawn from the Gospel, can help us become better versions of ourselves.

Live-in weekend retreat to help those who are separated, divorced or widowed move on from the darkness of their grief into the light of a new beginning, to be healed and be free to love themselves, others and God.

13 Apr, 27 Apr, 4 May 2024
Seeds of Growth 2024 featured worship, prayer, sessions to help JC/IB students grow in their faith, and food, fun & (new) friends to offer a break and nourish their souls.
ACTS: the spread of
the kingdom
Organised by The Biblical Apostolate Ministry of the Church of St Vincent de Paul, ACTS is a 20-week online course via ZOOM recounting how a few Christians empowered by the Holy Spirit were chosen to bring Christ and the Good News to the ends of the earth.
The Bible Timeline 2024
24 weekly sessions held on Tuesdays from 20 February to 13 August 2024. A study journey through the Bible with a small group led by facilitators to understand the amazing story of God’s plan for our salvation woven throughout Scripture.

Helping children cope
with stress and anxiety
An event for parents to gain insight and strategies on helping children cope with their share of life’s pressures.

Matthew: The King & His Kingdom
Presenter Jeff explained how Jesus challenges us to a new level of Holiness. Participants were encouraged to find their stories.

The Bible Timeline: Story of Salvation
Participants came on this adventure to discover how 14 of the Bible’s narrative books tell the biblical story from beginning to end.

Abundant & Better Life Abroad
A values and faith formation programme to help migrants understand about valuing self, others, work and our community.

Feast Day 2022
In this year’s Feast Day celebrations in honour of our patron saint, we dedicated a Week of Worship themed “I am the bread of life”.

Feast Day Lunch 2022
Celebration buffet lunch for our annual Feast Day festivities held at Fr Saussard’s Cafe with tickets at only $40 per person.

Metanoia Silent Retreat
Metanoia means to change your mind. In meditation, the work is to take the attention off ourselves and be transformed.

Family Advent Blessings
Families came together to make Advent extra special with their own personalized family advent wreath.

Saints Helping Us Today
A rousing series on how the age-old wisdom and teachings of the Saints can be of practical help to us today.

Feast Of St Vincent de Paul 2021
Online recollection to celebrate Feast Day (23-26 September 2021)

Feast Day Flowers
Commemorating the Feast Day with bouquets in honour of our patron saint.

St. Joseph Men’s Session
Family Life Ministry of the St. Vincent de Paul organised a special event for men.

the GIFT – A life in the Spirit
A six-part series to help encounter the Holy Spirit including the Bible’s teachings and reflections.

The Bible Timeline 2022
24-week course covering the story of salvation in the Bible – a fascinating study that takes attendees on a journey.

Motivate your child for success
Five tips to easily motivate children to success recognising their uniqueness and individuality.

Prayer for Christian Unity 2022
An invitation to all Christians
From 19 – 24 January 2022

Believe – Reflections on the Creed
Feb 9, 16, 23; Mar 9, 16, 23
Via Zoom

Social Mission & Teachings
In celebration of World Day of the Poor 2021

The Joy of Hope
Inspirational course on how to live joyfully in the hope of eternal life

Week of Guided Prayer 2021
A one-week online mini retreat offering guidance on how to pray with scripture

CaFE – Strength to Strength
Practical Benefits to Daily Prayer – video, discussion and testimonies