The Young Adults’ Community was founded in 2013 by then Br Jude David. The idea was simple, to get the youth and young adults that were still active in parish to come together to grow as Christians. The goal was to keep each other’s flame going and not let the worries of the world extinguish that light. 4 years on, the Community is still going strong and not least looking at new ways to continue evangelising to the young adults in the parish.
The Community acts as a support group for its members, whether it be spiritual, emotional or moral support to get through each week of hectic work schedules, meetings, work-related stress, or studying. Nonetheless, the Community cannot move without the animation of the Holy Spirit, hence Community sessions are always centred around the Word of God for that is where we hear the voice of the Lord that uplifts and encourages the Community to keep on moving.
Much of the formative years of the Community were centred around spiritual formation of its members, as well as support for the wider ministries in the parish such as the Catechetical and Youth ministries in the parish.
The Community has since progressed in its vision for its place in the parish, seeing itself as the new generation of “Neighbourhood Christians Communities” that were all the rage during our parents’ era.
With the majority of the Community either just graduating, starting out on their careers or starting young families, its members are uniquely situated to share and to provide support for anyone facing the same struggles or who sees themselves walking along the same paths that these young adults are walking.
“A piece of burning coal taken out of the fireplace smoulders and is extinguished” so too does a young Christian adult become tepid and lukewarm once he/she becomes distanced from the very source that gives him/her life.
If you are young adult interested in learning about community life, please send an email to secretariat@svdp.sg and we will touch base with you!