“For where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them.” ~ Matthew 18:20

The Eucharist — a hallmark of the Christian faith. For anyone who believes in and accepts Christ, the Sacrament of the Eucharist does not merely symbolize, but takes the substance of the body and blood of Christ.
Yet, some Catholics who are homebound and/or cannot come to church are unable to receive this Sacrament at mass. For such individuals, Home Communion is an option to allow them to receive the Eucharist in their homes, brought to them by ministers from our parish, as a bond and sign of care.
As with Holy Communion, the Eucharist should be taken in sanctity and with the remembrance of Jesus’ sacrifice. It should only be adopted when the situation calls for it; those who are able to are strongly encouraged to partake of it at the church as a community.
Home Communion will be carried out by a Homebound Communion Minister and will bear resemblance to that of a Mass, however, it should not take more than 15 minutes. You may arrange for this sacrament at the parish office or via email at secretariat@svdp.sg.