Within your temple, O God, we meditate on your unfailing love. ~ Psalm 48:9 NIV
Do you desire a break from the the noise, distraction and busyness of your daily life?
Do you long for the true peace of being rooted in the
centre of your being where the Spirit of God dwells?
Pope Francis in his Apostolic Letter, DESIDERIO DESIDERAVI, wrote on the importance of Silence in the Eucharistic Celebration.
He wrote: Among the ritual acts that belong to the whole assembly, silence occupies a place of absolute importance. Liturgical silence is a symbol of the presence and action of the Holy Spirit who animates the entire action of the celebration. Because silence is a symbol of the Spirit, it has the power to express the Spirit’s multifaceted action. It awakens a readiness to hear the Word and awakens prayer. It disposes us to adore the Body and Blood of Christ. It suggests to each one, in the intimacy of communion, what the Spirit would effect in our lives to conform us to the Bread broken. For all these reasons we are called to enact with extreme care the symbolic gesture of silence.
Contemplation is a rich wisdom tradition of the Catholic Church
Handed down by the early desert fathers & mothers of the church, it goes beyond words, thoughts and images, the meditator experiences the in-dwelling presence of Christ. Now it is not I who prays but that Christ who prays in me.
Every Monday: 8 to 9pm
Room #03-01
except 1st Monday where we join our Singapore WCCM for our Monthly Online Meditations. Find out more
Audrey Lim