“In the readings, the table of God’s word is prepared for the faithful, and the riches of the Bible are opened to them.” – GIRM 57
At the Mass, the Lectors exercise their ministry during the Liturgy of the Word. Through the Lectors, God speaks into the hearts of His faithful, reminding them of His promises, and His work of redemption and salvation.
The Lectors remember that Christ himself is present through His Word and therefore proclaim sacred scripture with control and conviction, promoting an air of meditation and recollection.

Through retreats and guided sessions, the lectors are encouraged to immerse themselves in scripture using Lectio Divina or Ignatian Contemplation, prayer methods that allow for a deep and intimate encounter with God. Their proclamation of the Word is further enhanced by their contemplative reading of the texts, and allow the word of God to be grasped by the hearts of the faithful.

The Lectors mirror our own call to build our lives on the Word of God. As children of God, we attend Mass to not only reaffirm our faith in the promises of the gospel, but to remind ourselves that the Lord’s words are spirit and life. As we hear His word, we are strengthened in our call to stand on the rock of Truth, and to live out our identity as Sons and Daughters of God, aligning our lives with Christ’s own mission. Just as the lectors proclaim the word of God, we too are called to spread the Good News of salvation and be the face of Christ to others, wherever we are placed in our lives.