You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ — Mark 12:30b
The biblical term, “hospitality,” translated from the Greek means, “brotherly love of stranger.” Scripture reveals God’s desire for us to extend hospitality to the stranger, the outsider and the marginalised as if they were our own brother.

The wardens of SVDP live out their Christian call to hospitality in their weekly commitment of greeting parishioners before mass with a smile and welcoming them into the house of God. They instil a sense of order and calm by coordinating traffic before and after mass. They serve as ushers, and help parishioners to be comfortably seated. They honour the parishioners’ need for a prayerful atmosphere of recollection and reverence that helps them to be truly present at mass, and ready to receive Jesus in the Eucharist.

Being a part of the Liturgical Committee, wardens facilitate the collection of money, followed by the Offertory. This is where our gifts are united with the Bread and Wine as our parish’s spiritual offering to the Lord. The Warden’s Ministry mirrors our own call to open our doors and invite our neighbours with compassion just as our Heavenly Father does.
If you feel drawn to live out your unique call of hospitality by serving the parish family of SVDP, please contact Ivan Ho at +65 9732 2429