Palm (Passion) Sunday – A Reflection by
Fr. JJ Fenelon
Did you know that the 5th Sunday of Lent used to be referred to as Passion Sunday? What is the significance of the Palms we use during Palm Sunday? Why do Catholic Churches veil all religious images from this day onwards? Father JJ provides us with some insight on the history and meaning behind this special tradition as well as a reflection to help us meditate and ponder on the Lord’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem as we begin Holy Week.
Read Palm Sunday Reflection by Fr. JJIntroduction to Holy Week by Fr. JJ Fenelon
Do you know why the upcoming days are referred to as “Holy Week”? Father JJ helps us to understand and remember the meaning behind these days of special significance, so that we can enter into the right disposition to observe and meditate upon the Paschal Mystery of our Lord.
Holy Thursday Reflection
Read Reflection HereGood Friday Reflection
Read Reflection HereHoly Saturday Reflection
Read Reflection HereEaster Triduum Spirituality, by Fr. JJ Fenelon
Father JJ emphasises the tremendous importance of these sacred days and tells us how we can better prepare for them by entering into the heart and mind of Jesus as he steps into these three crucial days for the salvation of the whole world.