“And why do you worry about clothes? Consider how the lilies of the field grow: they do not labour or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his glory was adorned like one of these.” ~ Matthew 6:28-29

Just like us, flowers are a part of God’s creation. They are a beautiful, physical testament of the Lord’s work, and a symbol of new life in Jesus Christ.
Here in SVDP, the Flower Ministry provides splendid floral arrangements for the parish, helping to beautify the house of the Lord in their own way. Their work usually adorns the altar and sanctuaries during regular Sunday masses, but the ministry also accommodates bouquet requests for special occasions, such as weddings, funerals and the like.

Selecting the flowers is no easy task; the ministry dedicates an immense amount of love, care and patience into the process. They not only consider which types will complement the liturgical season, but also how best to arrange them.

Like all others, the ministry remains a community fully committed to the Lord’s service. Their work is its own reward, but it also reminds us of an even greater one that we strive for as Catholics: God’s promise of a place in his kingdom, his new Garden of Eden.
The ministry usually gathers on Friday mornings. If you feel a calling to serve, please submit your contact details to the Parish Office, members of the ministry will contact you thereafter.