“And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers.” – Acts 2: 42-47
“A home away from home.” This warm sentiment is shared by many within the Filipino Migrant Ministry. There is a strong spirit of welcome and joy, and laughter is always in the air when the group gathers.
The ministry reaches out to the growing number of Filipino Parishioners at SVDP through warm fellowship and prayer. This is done through guided group sessions every Sunday from 2.30-4.30pm (excluding the 2ndSunday of every month when the Tagalog mass is celebrated)

During these guided group sessions, members encounter God’s deep and abiding love through Scripture reading, reflection and prayer. They grow together as they share their lives with one another in group-sharing, which helps them find solace and comfort as they develop a sense of belonging to the parish and the community.
Just as the early Christian communities remembered the Lord’s sacrifice through the “breaking of bread” and in fellowship, the Filipino Migrant Community strengthens their Christian communion through common service. They serve at our canteen once every two months from 7am-noon, and welcome those with a heart for food preparation, cooking, serving and housekeeping.

The ministry also warmly welcomes all parishioners of SVDP, who are interested in facilitating discussion topics and activities during their sessions. Ministry activities and events
1) Sunday Bible Class (Every Sunday except 2ndSunday)
2) Monthly Tagalog Mass (2ndSunday of the month at 4pm)
3) Migrants Canteen Day (Once every 2 months)
4) Annual Simbang Gabi (3rdweek of December)