Registration Forms
View our resource below for forms that you can download based on your needs.
For further queries, you can contact us here.

RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)
Process of gradual introduction to the
Roman Catholic faith.
RCIY (Rite of Christian Initiation for Youths)
Youth (aged 14-20) interested in the faith can register here.
Inquirer RegistrationInfant/Child Baptism
Baptism is the first sacrament of initiation into Christian life. Only through it can other sacraments be received such as Confirmation and Holy Communion.
Baptism ApplicationHome Communion
Catholics who are homebound due to illness and/or are unable to receive this Sacrament at Mass can receive the Eucharist in their homes.
Request FormAnointing of the Sick
This is a rite in the preparation for the journey to eternal life administered at the point of death and when gravely ill.
Application FormFuneral Arrangements
Funeral Masses offer us a chance to commemorate the life of the deceased and to bid farewell to our loved ones.
Application FormContribute to Content
Reach out to us if you have ideas or stories to share or wish to contribute to our website and social content or newsletter.
Contact UsWeddings / Holy Matrimony
When two baptised Christians come together in holy matrimony, their marriage is considered a Sacrament.
Contact UsWedding Flowers
Request for fresh artificial / flower arrangements at the Altar, Tabernacle, Mother Mary statue, pew-ends.
Application FormCafé Booking
Request to book the air conditioned cafe (max. 260 guests) or al fresco area (max. 40 guests) for your next event.
Application Form